Why Join?

Why is Wales Neurological Alliance needed?

The Wales Neurological Alliance is a focused and purposeful forum of Third Sector organisations and groups representing many thousands of people affected by neurological conditions in Wales.

The Alliance was launched in 2002 to ensure that neurological services are given priority at all levels of health and social care planning. The Alliance enables neurological organisations/groups to campaign together and speak with an influential voice.

Our Mission Statement

We support people with neurological conditions in Wales in living the best life possible through influencing policy, raising awareness and developing services.

Our Vision

People living with neurological conditions will have access to the best care possible, have control over their lives and be able to live free from ignorance and injustice.


To improve services for people affected by neurological conditions


• To engage and work in partnership with people affected by neurological conditions
• To raise awareness of neurological conditions and their impact on individuals and their communities
• To inform and influence policy makers about the needs of people with neurological conditions
• To support and promote appropriate research